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The Key to Self-Love isn't What You Expect

I’ve spent the last 6 months really dedicated to this idea of self-love and in this article I’m going to share the central key that really turned on the true, undying kind of self love that we all crave.


Self-Care is an aspect.

Positive Self-talk is an aspect.

Surrounding yourself with positive people and environment is another aspect. (The more high vibes the better!)

But what is at the center of all of these actions is what made my own self love real.

Surprisingly, I learned this from Jewish Rabbi, Daniel Ledin, in his book Thou Shall Prosper, which explores the reasons behind the overarching financial success of the Jewish People. (An excellent book, btw).

When I got this, and it really landed for me, I understood how I could take my self-care, positive self-talk, beautiful environment and social circle and really make the difference I was seeking in my life.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent a lot of time hating your body, thinking you need to improve your life in some way or another, and generally being really freakin hard on yourself.

It is my hope that by sharing this core basis of true self love that your own self love will become real on all levels and you life will change for the better because of it.

The secret is simple- the secret is


Merriam-Webster defines respect as a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way.

We are all taught about self-esteem all through school, have learned that it is important, and numerous tools for developing it. This was great for me but for some reason I still had a gaping hole in my center that led to me constantly giving my power away to others, falling prey to scams, wasting money, spending time on projects and people I shouldn’t have. All trying to cover over and fill the hole.

When I adopted self respect, everything changed.

I stopped covering the hole with fancy affirmations and delicious smelling bubble baths. I actually still do these things, they are great practices, but treating myself like I would a respected elder put my mind and heart in the right frame to make better decisions, and take more action to honor my dreams.

As someone who practices and teaches some pretty esoteric spirituality, Self-respect has brought me fully to Earth. I respect myself enough to own who I am, what I am here to do, and create what I truly desire to see in the world. (No more Spiritual Bypassing!)

I have a lot of work ahead of me and I’m really happy about that. With Self Respect at the Center of my Self-Love, paired with high vibe people, a clean and beautiful environment, positive self talk that I actually believe, and self-care that fits my lifestyle, I am right on track to hit my (big!) goals this year.

Now it’s your turn. Will you try Self-Respect on?

If you struggle with the concept, have a lot of negative self talk, or hang on to old energy longer than you would like, connect with me for a free energetic assessment and strategy session and let’s see how we can get you feeling fully alive and empowered in your life.

Leave a comment below and let me know if you will adopt self-respect and how it changes you!

With Love,


P.S. If you are looking for some un-biased, non-judgmental space to explore your connection to your self, reach out for your free energetic empowerment assessment.

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